This summer festivals were back! After our war with COVID in 2020, young people were more excited than ever to head out into packed fields, listen to music and catch more COVID, it really was a sight to see, Britain at it's finest!
And to keep the festival season alive, myself and Sweet Tee, your favourite hosts of your favourite podcast, were invited to our first ever podcast festival!
'What is a podcast festival?' I hear you ask. Well that is the very thing that we asked when we were first invited. The BBE Podcasting Agency invited us to their annual festival as Court Case has it's first birthday coming up (More on that soon!) These events are a great way for podcasters to network with other people in the industry and watch some interesting shows.
The event itself was in Huxton, London. Upon arrival myself and Sweet Tee were graciously welcomed by a woman named Sheila from BBE who directed us downstairs where we were met with a stage with multiple mics and various seats for us to grab a drink and relax in. I grabbed myself and Tee two over-priced ciders and we sat down.
Multiple Podcasts got up and performed their show for us. We had a group of women called 'Your Aunties Could Never', a man who has a dating podcast called 'Unhinged and Bumbled Up' and many more. In the breaks between performances everyone was encouraged to chat to each other and get each others details, it was a really fun time. Tee and I got chatting to a wonderful sound engineer as well as the host of Bumbled Up, a great couple of guys.
We briefly went on stage ourselves to chat about our podcast and promote it to the audience, a nerve racking experience for Sweet Tee but she held her own stood right next to me. This is a whole new world for us both, and I hope we get many more opportunities to attend and perhaps even perform at Podcast festivals in the future, and anyone that is interested in them, I highly suggest you have a look around and attend one if you can!
- James Court